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 Malek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes

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Admin Alphanumeric

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Malek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes Empty
PostMalek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes

Malek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes, said today, Wednesday, August 5, on the Nazaha radio waves that the complex poses a danger to the region and the danger that could become in Gabes, its effects may be tens of times stronger than what was found in the Beirut explosion and “Gabes on the palm of the imp.” Considering that the dangerous materials of ammonium in the stores beside them ammonia tanks with a capacity of 50 thousand tons and in the vicinity of them are gas tanks and a gas station from the Nawara field and tanks of sulfuric acid and phosphorous acid and there is negligence in the protection of officials at the head of this institution.

Al-Azzuni called the supervision authority, the Ministry of Interior, and all the actors in this field to consider the position of the factory and work to provide means of protection and protection from explosions. Raw material for the manufacture of explosives for civil purposes in the extraction of phosphate or mining, and when used, coordination with the sub-management of dangerous materials and explosives and with the protection of the National Guard in the insurance.

Malek Al-Azzuni added that the material is present throughout the year, and there is a quantity of 4,500 tons of spoilage that has been present in the factory for a while without disposal, which represents a danger to citizens and the country. Let Al-Azzoni clarify that there are strategic storage stores located in Qablat from the governorate of Beja with a storage capacity of 135 thousand tons in which Storing 100,000 tons of ammunition, which is far from the population areas, and there are no dangerous inflammatory or other dangerous materials beside it that help to find fires contrary to what happened yesterday in Beirut.

On his part, Manji Soud, head of the safety department at the Tunisian Chemical Complex in Gabes, assured citizens that the ammonite plant performs safety measures and the complex does not wait for a global catastrophe to implement safety procedures. Industry to maintain the safety of the place, workers and leaks of ammonia gas only when the intervention.

He pointed out to Black that the ammonium material is not flammable, but it is a danger when there is an external energy source or a fire beside it or a gas leak. He pointed out that all protection mechanisms are applied in storing the ammonite material and the company has the capabilities to deal with fires, whether human or technical in addition to the presence of a difference of protection Civilization is close and there are plans for internal intervention, warning and evacuation plans, and there is full coordination with civil protection, as white operations are organized once a year, field visits to the factory, and visits to the National Guard annually.
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Malek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes :: Comments


Malek Al-Azzuni, director of the project to rehabilitate the ammonite plant in the chemical complex in Gabes

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