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 Gabes: Urgent decisions concern the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya

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Admin Alphanumeric

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Gabes: Urgent decisions concern the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya Empty
PostGabes: Urgent decisions concern the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya

Gabes: Urgent decisions concern the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya

in the context of seeking to address the spread of Corona virus infection in the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya. Today, Tuesday, August 11, an emergency session was held at the state headquarters in Gabes, which included members of the regional committee to confront the Corona, according to which the following was decided:
- All cafes are prohibited The restaurants located in the Accreditations of Al-Hamma and Al-Hamma Al-Gharbia allow customers to sit in its spaces, and that the service is limited to sale ... and this procedure remains in effect until further notice
- all owners of shops open to the public (cafes - restaurants - shops ... etc.) (Adherence to the following:
- It is forbidden to sell and use hookah inside cafes and shops open to the public in the areas belonging to the accreditation of Al-Hamma and Al-Hamma Al-Gharbia until further notice ...
- It is strictly forbidden to use cups and cups , and all of the pots use frequent and replace pots with the only use of all cafes, restaurants Bmatmdety Hamma Western Hamma until further notice ...
- It is strictly forbidden to leave bread in the reach of cayenne and mandatory distribution within the bags , and by Gloves and in the bakeries in Al-Hamma and Al-Hamma Al-Gharbia ...
- Gloves must be used by all workers in shops open to the public
- Gel hydroalcoolique and liquid soap must be provided for the currency and visitors
- The need to allocate aid inside each shop that is unique to extract money and cash Without practicing any other activity
- the necessity of maintaining the cleanliness of sanitary units and their continuous sterilization in shops open to the public
- the necessity of using javal material and disinfectants to cleanse floors and spaces on a regular basis.
*** The aforementioned committee also decided:
- The cancellation of trips, tourist and leisure trips, including beach trips, to and from the delegations of Al Hamma and Al Hamma Al Gharbia until further notice ...
- Close the mosques of the delegations of Al Hamma and Al Hamma Al Gharbia until further notice ...
- Canceling Friday prayers in the mosques of the Al-Hamma and the Western Hamma until further notice ...
- It is sufficient for the narrow family to attend weddings and weddings that will be organized in open home spaces with respect for the physical spacing of the Hamma and the Western Hamma accredited until further notice
** Note: The Regional Committee calls to confront the Corona with its cohabitants And the people of the delegations Al-Hamma and Al-Hamma Al-Gharbia to avoid and avoid movement outside the aforementioned delegations without necessity until further notice.
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Gabes: Urgent decisions concern the delegations of Hamma and al-Hamma al-Gharbiyya

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