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 Sunset on Mars it

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Admin Alphanumeric

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Sunset on Mars it Empty
PostSunset on Mars it

Sunset on Mars It
is interesting that Earth and Mars are the only places in the solar system that have sunset we can observe, Mars is a very cold desert, the Earth is full of water and life, but there is another strange difference, on the surface of Mars, while the sky is red during the day, it is The sun sets blue, the reason for this is that dust particles always make a blue halo around the sun on Mars, but it is easy to see the aura only when light passes through all the dust as it passes over the horizon.
Blue Mars Sunset
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The reason behind this is similar to the fact that the Earth's sky is blue and the sunset is red, sunlight is scattered based on what is in the atmosphere, sunlight is composed of light of many different wavelengths, and dust particles interact only with specific wavelengths, the scattering of light by these particles is the reason for this the color .

The sunsets on Earth have a red, orange, or golden color because sunlight passes through much of the atmosphere because it comes above the horizon so that all blue light is scattered.
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On the contrary, Mars’s atmosphere is very weak, its pressure is about 1 percent of Earth’s atmosphere, and it is made of carbon dioxide and has a lot of dust. This fine dust tends to disperse the red light so that the sky appears red, allowing blue light to pass through , On earth, it is the opposite. The blue light bounces off the air particles, giving the earth's sky its distinctive color.

At sunset it has a longer distance to cross into the atmosphere, so it disperses more, and what remains is the color that we see, on Earth, we have a wider area of ​​red, which is actually amplified by ash from volcanoes and dust from fires, on Mars , We get cool blue.

It's all about dust in Mars air, the blue color comes from the fact that the fine dust on the surface of Mars is the appropriate size for that blue light to penetrate the atmosphere more efficiently, when the blue light is dispersed, it remains closer to the direction of the sun than the light of other colors, the rest of the sky from Yellow to orange, where yellow and red light is scattered all over the sky instead of absorbing it or staying close to the sun, how high the Martian dust in the atmosphere is determined by the scientific team, and to search for dust or icy clouds. [1]
Has a person reached Mars?
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NASA also wants to send astronauts to Mars one day, to prepare to send humans to Mars, NASA is studying new types of homes where astronauts can live, scientists are studying how people in space can grow plants for food, and by following up What happens to astronauts on the International Space Station, scientists discover how living in space affects humans.

Today, however, three spacecraft are orbiting over or around Mars. The spacecraft uses scientific instruments to measure volcanoes, valleys, craters, temperature and mineral types on Mars. They also take pictures and search for water.

Two moving robots, called Rovers, are exploring the surface of Mars, roaming closely in order to take pictures and search the planet's soil and rocks. NASA uses this information and images from the spacecraft to learn more about Mars. [2]
What is called Mars
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Mars niggers The fourth planet in the solar system, Mars is often called the "red planet" because it appears in the sky as a red-orange star. The color caused the Greeks and Romans to name the god War Today, thanks to visiting spacecraft, we know that the appearance of the planet is due to rust in the rocks of Mars.

Mars is one of the most explored objects in the solar system, and it is the only planet that has sent it to itinerant vehicles to roam the strange landscape. NASA currently has three spacecraft in orbit, one aboard a landing craft, one on the surface and the other on the surface of the Earth here on Earth.

This dynamic planet has seasons, polar ice caps, weather, valleys, and other extinct volcanoes, evidence of a more active past, these robotic explorers found plenty of evidence that Mars was wetter and warmer, with a thicker atmosphere, billions of years ago.

NASA plans to send more robots to Mars, the agency wants robots to one day collect Martian soil and rocks and return them to Earth for study.

The MAVEN spacecraft began to orbit Mars in September 2014, MAVEN studies the atmosphere of Mars, and a new Marser spacecraft is scheduled to be launched in 2020. [2] The
size of Mars compared to the size of Earth

Among the two planets, there are similarities in size, inclination, structure, composition and even the presence of water on their surfaces, however, they also have many major differences that would make life on Mars a growing concern among many scientists.

Earth is the fifth largest and fifth largest planet in the solar system and the largest planet. As for Mars, it is the second smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury, Mars is about half the size of the earth (53 percent), but given that Mars is a desert planet, it contains On the same amount of dry land as land.

In terms of size and mass, Earth and Mars are completely different, with an average radius of 6371 km and a mass of 5.97 x 1024 kg, the radius of Mars is about 3396 km at the equator (3376 km in the polar regions), which is equivalent to about 0.53 Earth, however , Its mass is only 6.4185 × 10 kg, which is equivalent to about 10.7% of the mass of the Earth.

Likewise, the Earth's size is huge 1.08321 x 1012 cubic kilometers, which operates at 1.083 billion cubic kilometers, and by comparison, Mars is 1.6318 x 108 cubic kilometers (163 billion cubic kilometers) which is 0.151 Earths, between this difference in size, mass, and size The surface gravity of Mars is 3.711 m / s², which operates on 37.6% of the Earth (0.376 g).

At its greatest distance from the sun, Mars orbits at a distance of approximately 249,200,000 km (1.666 AU), when it is close to the sun, orbiting approximately 206,700,000 km (1.3814 AU). At these distances, Earth has an orbital period of 365.25 days, while Mars has an orbital period of 686,971 days (1.88 Earth years).

While the Earth takes 23 hours 56 minutes precisely and 4 seconds to complete one astronomical rotation (0.997 Earth days), Mars does the same thing in about 24 hours and 40 minutes, meaning that the day of Mars is very close to one day on Earth. [3]
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